Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Never let hatred get the best of you!

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As I was spending NYE (New Years Eve) at church, before I went out and celebrated the new year with friends, my father came up to me and said, "Jonathan this is your year!" I just stood there and thanked my father for the nice words, but I thought to myself, "Din't people generally say that every new year?" So I have been thinking my dad was right this is my year. This is my year to change the MAJOR things in my life that were not helping to move me closer and closer to my ultimate goal in life. So each day I am going to think of things that I can change since each new year is YOUR year to change what is making a positive impact on your life and the people in it, and also what is not moving you closer and closer to your ultimate goal in life! 

So the first thing for me is grudges. I will admit, just like many other people, you disrespect me in anyway I am never going to forget that. I have never really realized how much holding a grudge against a person could impact my life, until I remembered a long time ago when I confided in my father (Apostle Bobby Jeans) who has been in ministry for over two decades. He explained to me that holding a grudge could result in me/you not making it into heaven, It is a sin to not love thy neighbor, and to keep unforgiveness in your heart! Ummmm yeah so that got me right there, time to let go of the grudges!

So the first major change I am making this new year is..................forgiving those who I have not forgiven, for everything. From my ex girlfriend of 3 1/2 years cheating on me to someone talking about me behind my back, everything is forgiven and my heart wiped clean! Whew now I feel so much better, feels like a weight has been lifted! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Everyday is a new day for progression!

One thing that I have realized with each passing day is that, each day is a new day for progression or regression. As each day goes by we as people are faced with various decisions that will either help in the positive image of our futures or the negatives. No matter how small the task, with the objectives that I have set for myself I look at each task as a very important one. One day I plan to be a politician, the only way that I can create a positive image for myself and win a seat for the office of my choice is by seeing each day as very important and viewing each decision as even more important. The Lord allowed me to wake up each morning for a reason, therefore I am going to make the most of each day in hopes of a very successful future.